Party Responsibly DICK!
Do we have your attention yet? Admittedly, loading yourself up with high volumes of alcohol at incredibly high speeds is probably not the smartest thing you can be doing with your body. If you use a beer bong, you're most likely in line for a serious drunk, and if you aren't careful you can give yourself alcohol poisoning and die.
It happens every year: some asshole with more balls than brains decides that he can bong a 1.75 liter bottle of Jose Cuervo, and dies,
They are, however, a fun tool for getting to the point of excess excessively fast, and we've gotten years of enjoyment out of ours. There's some things you can do to minimize the risk:
1) Know your limits. Before you go and climb Mt. Everest, you'd probably do well to do a few jaunts first. Know what it feels like when you've had enough, and what it feels like when you've had too much. If you haven't puked off of alcohol, you're probably not in the beer bong leagues quite yet.
 2) In excess, moderation. Don't go slamming beer after beer after beer. Realize that for most folks a couple of beers in an hour is going to put you into undrivable territory and you'll be consuming this in a matter of seconds.
3) Drink responsibly. Nobody loves the dude who drinks a bunch then spends the rest of the evening in a puddle of their own vomit. Don't drink and drive. Don't drink and fight. Don't drink and be a criminal. Try not to be a fuckup. Make Gramma proud.
4) Don't drink alone. If you're going to get yourself in trouble, always a good idea to have someone who can keep an eye out for you in case things do get too far. Living in the burbs as we do, this responsibility is de facto that of the driver who has to tolerate the drunkard for a while. Designate your drinking second.
So Don't Be a DICK!!!
